
For typography, Docux uses Nuxt Typography.

Nuxt Typography is a theme to get a beautiful and customisable typography with a set of prose components for Nuxt Content

It consist of two parts: typography tokens and prose components.

Nuxt Typography expose a set of prose components that work seamlessly with Nuxt Content. Those components include:

  • ProseA
  • ProseBlockquote
  • ProseCode
  • ProseCodeInline
  • ProseH1 - ProseH6
  • ProseHr
  • ProseImg
  • ProseUl
  • ProseOl
  • ProseLi
  • ProseP
  • ProseStrong
  • ProseEm
  • ProseTable
  • ProseTbody
  • ProseTd
  • ProseTh
  • ProseThead
  • ProseTr

Feel free to overwrite or customize the default typography tokens and prose components as you wish.